
연구원 동향


행사 Green Ocean Forum : Catch a chance in climate neutral

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 7,472회 작성일 09-11-02 16:48
일시 2009-11-25 ~ 2009-11-25
주최 전자신문


The Green Ocean Forum is the first and unique international conference about green business held in Korea annually. Each year,the event at tracts many of the world"s most influential people in the green business from industry, government, and academia to explore the progress of the green business strategies and technologies and collaborate in shaping green growth. Distinguished representative speakers covers the best-known experts in the field of next-generation environmental industry, i.e., renewable alternative energy, global green round and extension of national electric power, beyond the green IT sector. First established in 2008, the Green Ocean Forum is organized by the Electronic Times and sets an environmental management agenda for industries seeking for opportunities to crate new markets.


- 문의처
: Green Ocean Team 홍원종 (02-2168-9334,