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Every organization in the public sector should have a public service charter
setting out the standard of service users can expect. It is, after all, only right that
people should know what they will get from the service for which they pay.

A local charter is one that relates to a service delivered in a local area. It may be
produced by, for instance, a local benefit office and is tailored to the local
audience. The level at which a charter is drawn up by an organization will
depend on how diverse the authorities may produce charters for individual

A local charter will ① help you clarify what local people need and target
resources in the way they want them, ② help you and your staff look at the aims
of your organization and whether it provides value for money, ③ encourage your
users to provide feedback on how your service is delevered, ④ explain to your
users how they cal help you deliver the service they want, ⑤ help drive and

sustain a process of continuous improvement in service quality, ⑥ and help
poster good relations with your users generally, most of whom will appreciate
your efforts to take account of their views.

Therefore, local charter include ① spell out the standards of service users can
expect, ② tell users how to complain if something poes wrong or service
standards are not met, or how to offer a suggestion for improvement, ③ make
clear how users can contact you and get further, ④ encourage a partnership
between your organization, its users and staff, ⑤ assure people that they will
receive a fair service, ⑥ say if they is any relevant legislation, ⑦ make sure that
the publication date is clearly visible.

In this background, this paper is to study on the evaluation of public service
charter in local governments. This study on charter in local governments can be
useful for administrative reform that nowadays gets popularily are in many local
governments for the accomplishment of customer satisfaction.