지방자치 관련분야의 지식교류를 위하여 자치행정, 지방재정ㆍ세제, 지역개발분야의 수준 있는 연구 논문들을 기고 받아 발간합니다.
지방행정연구 제26권 제1호 통권 88호 2012.3
Factor Affecting The Adoption of Tax Incentive Programs Related to Economic Development : The Case of Florida Counties
- 5,503
- 1,193
저자 |
윤태섭 박상철 이건형 |
발행일 |
2012.3.31 |
권 |
제26권 제1호 |
통권 |
88호 |
다운로드 |
Factor Affecting The Adoption of Tax Incentive Programs Related to Economic Development : The Case of Florida Counties |
This research investigates factors influencing policy adoption of tax incentive programs related to economic development in Florida local governments in terms of political market theory. By employing political market theory, this research emphasizes local politics, fiscal and interest group factors. Furthermore, this study utilizes two analyses: 1) a logistic regression examines local contextual factors influencing the adoption of tax incentive programs, and 2) an OLS model is conducted to investigate the effects of selected factors on the adoption of a number of tax incentive programs among local governments which have already adopted at least one tax incentive program. Statistical findings support the significant influence of political and interest group factors on tax incentive program adoption. More specifically, local governments that have an appointed manager have a high probability of adopting the tax incentive program, also the number of local business groups in local governments is positively related to a greater number of tax incentive programs.
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