지방자치 관련분야의 지식교류를 위하여 자치행정, 지방재정ㆍ세제, 지역개발분야의 수준 있는 연구 논문들을 기고 받아 발간합니다.
지방행정연구 제11권 제3호 통권 41호 1996.11
지방화가 국가경제정책결정과정에 미치는 영향
- 6,433
- 1,196
저자 |
사득환 |
발행일 |
1996.11 |
권 |
제11권 제3호 |
통권 |
41호 |
다운로드 |
지방화가 국가경제정책결정과정에 미치는 영향 |
An era of localization began since the June of 1995 in South Korea. This means that the process of national economic policy-making has become changed by effects of localization in any type. This study deals with a question of how localization will take effect on the national economic policy-making process. In the past, the central government exercised unitary and top-down policy-making in the whole economic area. But the age of localization calls for a new policy-making pattern as well as a different role of central government. For this goal, the importance of political reasonableness and democratic public policy is examined using group politics approach.
In conclusion, localization will have effects as follows: (a) multi-centric regimes and diffused economic policy structures, (b) promoton of participation and political bureaucracy, (c) loose network with actors and importance of mutual adjustment, (d) change of role in economic departments.
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