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기업관련 지방세제 개편방안

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영문제목 A Study on Local Tax System Related to Cooperation
연구자 이영희 김대영
발간연도 2008
다운로드 기업관련 지방세제 개편방안 file_download
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최근 경제정책을 수립함에 있어 자치단체의 역할이 커졌음에도 지역경제의 활성화로 인한 자치단체의 재정적 혜택은 크지 않다. 왜냐하면 지역경제 활성화로 인하여 증가하는 세수는 대부분이 국세로 귀속되고 지방세수의 증대로 연결되지 않고 있기 때문이다.
   본 연구는 자치단체의 지역경제 활성화를 위한 기업․시설 유치 노력이 자치단체의 세수 증대로 연결될 수 있는 방안을 마련하는 것을 목적으로 진행하였다.
   본 연구에서는 납세의무자의 총 조세부담은 현재보다 증가하지 않도록 하되, 기업의 유치가 지방세수 확충으로 연계되도록 지방세 체계를 개편한다는 기본방향 하에서 정책 대안을 모색하였다.
The purpose of this study is to recommend policy implications for raising local taxrevenue reflections upon regional economic activation. The current local tax systemhas a very weak relationship with regional income and consumption base. Because ofthe local tax system, local governments' effort on locating firms in order to activateregional economy is not directly related to increasing their local tax revenue.Decentralization has been a recent movement among OECD countries and the roleof local government is getting important with devolution. Especially localgovernments play an important role for activation of regional economy. Nowadaysmany local governments try to locate firms in their region as many as possible.Locating firms in general increase personal income as well as cooperation incomealong with regional economic growth. Unluckily the current local tax system has aweak relationship with personal and cooperation income bases. Locating new firmsby local governments efforts' do not account on increasing their local tax revenue.This study proposed three recommendations in order to increase local tax revenuerelating new firms in the region under the condition of taxpayers' burden unchanged.First, increasing the share of cooperation income tax thru inhabitant local tax.Second, increasing the share of personal income tax thru inhabitant local tax. Third,improving the business tax structure by marketing approach. The analysis showed thatthese recommendations alleviate the tax revenue inequality among local governments.
