지방자치 관련분야의 지식교류를 위하여 자치행정, 지방재정ㆍ세제, 지역개발분야의 수준 있는 연구 논문들을 기고 받아 발간합니다.
지방행정연구 제17권 제1호 통권 53호 2003.4
국세와 지방세의 합리적 재배분방안
- 6,856
- 2,085
저자 |
이상용·라휘문 |
발행일 |
2003.04 |
권 |
제17권 제1호 |
통권 |
53호 |
다운로드 |
국세와 지방세의 합리적 재배분방안 |
The fiscal relationship between the central and local governments indicates that
the central government dominates in terms of tax revenues. The allocation of
taxing authority and tax bases are specified in the Local Tax Law, which is
established by the central government. Income taxes and consumption taxes,
which are considered stable revenue sources and elastic, are assigned to the
central government. On the other hand, most local taxes correspond to property
taxes. This tax assignment creates fiscal centralization and is considered as a
barrier to local autonomy. Regional differences in economic base and activity,
resulting from partial economic development, incur fiscal disparities among local
In this background, the purpose of this paper is to study the reassignment of tax
sources between national tax and local tax for the expansion of local finance.
The results of this study are as follows: First, the functional distribution and the
reallocation of work should be considered to make the fiscal relationship
between the national and local government. Secondly, the redistribution of tax
bases and fair fiscal burden corresponding to function carried by each level of
government should be considered. Third, the central government should minimize
control to help local governments secure fiscal autonomy. At the same time, local
governments themselves should be able to enhance their problem-solving
capacity. Thus, the tax sources between national tax and local tax should be
reassigned for the expansion of local finance. The alternatives are the
introduction of local consumption tax and local income tax.
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