지방자치 관련분야의 지식교류를 위하여 자치행정, 지방재정ㆍ세제, 지역개발분야의 수준 있는 연구 논문들을 기고 받아 발간합니다.
지방행정연구 제17권 제1호 통권 53호 2003.4
지방분권의 의의와 과제
- 6,142
- 4,506
저자 |
강형기 |
발행일 |
2003.04 |
권 |
제17권 제1호 |
통권 |
53호 |
다운로드 |
지방분권의 의의와 과제 |
This paper, firstly, aims to examine the structure, propositions and implications
associated with the relationship between the central and the local government
along with the relationship between separation and integration, secondly, to
inquire into the historical meaning accompanied by the decentralization-based
reforms in Korea and; finally, to put forward policy measures to effectively cope
with its decentralization -related reform tasks.
It is crucial to note that in modern society the central and the local government is
interdependent and therefore should cooperate with each other to elevate the
level of national welfare and to effectively manage the state as a whole. However,
there have been some experiences in distortion of functional distribution between
the central and the local government in Korea, resulting in the absence of a
creative cooperation system between the two governments. Furthermore,
excessive creation of a so-called special purpose authority has prevented local
governments in Korea from implementing their policies from a comprehensive point
of view. Hence, it is essential that decentralization be realized urgently, so that
national competitiveness can be strengthened by proper distribution of functions
between central and local government, deprived local areas can be revitalized by
competition and diversification, administrative innovation can be with ease and
effectively spread throughout country, citizen participation and democracy can be
established, and local accountability can obtained.
What is to be noted here is that logical thinking alone cannot bring about
decentralization, rather efforts of those who advocate decentralization and at the
same time try to persuade anti-decentralization groups to share future values with
them. As far as decentralization is concerned, it is also important that the
capacity of local governments to tackle decentralization-related issues should be
improved. In doing this, the abilities of local government officials to design and
implement policy and their policy accountability to reinforce, to build up effectively
a citizen participation system and to reinforce the function of the local council.
Decentralization and polycentrism will provide competence in the 21st century.
Therefore local governments should change the way they work while the central
government should ameliorate the way it has cooperated with local governments.
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