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지방행정연구 제17권 제3호 통권 55호 2003.12

참여정부의 지방분권 정책기조

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참여정부의 지방분권 정책기조 download

This study aims to examine the basis of the decentralization policy of the
Participatory Government in Korea. The decentralization policy basis of the
Participatory Government in Korea can be outlined with the “White Book”
published by the Committee for undertaking the 16th Presidential office, the Road
Map set by the [Presidential Committee on Government Innovation and
Decentralization] and the Special Law on Decentralization passed by the
National Assembly on Dec 29, 2003.

There may be some limitations in examining all the spectrum of the
decentralization policy of the Participatory Government, because it is only 10
months since the 16th presidential office. This paper disassembles the change it
is into two components: one is the direction, the other is the speed. This study is
confined to examining the direction of the decentralization policy. In this context,
the trends over a time span may be overlooked.

The framework of this paper is established by remodeling the planning process
suggested by Glasson (1978).In short, the following steps are introduced to
examine the basis of the decentralization policy: how to identify the problem
related with the local autonomy system and local government in Korea; which
value can be pursued to establish the ultimate goal and more specific objectives;
how to identify the constraints in realizing the value and achieving the goal; how
to predict the future to link the goal with means, in other words, financial, human
and other resources; how to generate alternatives to achieve the goal and how to
compare each other, and finally; how to choose the best alternative to fix the
policy basis.

There may be some confusions in the terminology of the White Book, the Road
Map and the Special Law on Decentralization, but it is true that the the current
administration has the strongest will to decentralize the central government's
authority to local government in Korea. In addition, some conflicts can be found
among policies suggested by the Participatory Government, especially between
the balanced development policy initiated by the central government and the
decentralization policy initiated by the local government. The constraints have not
been identified in linking the goal and means in the Road Map. All though there
are some limits and inconsistencies in the decentralization policy of the
Participatory Government, it can be expected to bear fruit in the future.