지방자치 관련분야의 지식교류를 위하여 자치행정, 지방재정ㆍ세제, 지역개발분야의 수준 있는 연구 논문들을 기고 받아 발간합니다.
지방행정연구 제11권 제3호 통권 41호 1996.11
지방문화행정의 발전방안
- 5,601
- 1,372
저자 |
임학순 |
발행일 |
1996.11 |
권 |
제11권 제3호 |
통권 |
41호 |
다운로드 |
지방문화행정의 발전방안 |
This article is a study of the development and revitalization of government arts policy at the local level. It starts from the recognition that regional culture will play a significant role in regional development and that local governments will have a central role in regional cultural policy. The experience of the decentralization of powers from central to local government in 1995 encourages local governments to adopt cultural policies as strategies for regional regeneration.
In local government level, cultural policies will have to aim at the cultural welfare and at the regional developmant. To achieve this policy value, local governments will have to improve the effectiveness, speciality, efficiency, creativity and planning ability of their cultural policies. Local government should also encourage the marketplace and private non profit organizations to supply the cultural services. Policies on culture will have to be linked policies in urban planning, urban design and development, tourism, education, architecture, urban marketing, sports, youth, etc.
같은 분류 보고서
연구자의 다른 보고서
지방행정연구 제11권 제3호 통권 41호
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지방행정연구 제11권 제3호 통권 41호
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