
The Korea Local Administration Review

Lim, Suhng Bin

The Moon Jae-in Government Decentralization Task and Direction

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The Moon Jae-in Government Decentralization Task and Directiondownload
Improving national competitiveness lies in the ability to enforce this rather than setting the scope of the government. The Moon Jae-in government is making a drastic transition to empowerment democracy. However, it is no exaggeration to say that there is almost no decentralization task to expand the partnership with citizen or the empowerment democracy. We must take advantage of the many horizontal collective intelligence decision - making methods that network society, cyber - democracy and SNS world have already started. In order to sustain this, it is necessary to change the relationship between the central-local government-civil society from the position of status or position to the function and relationship perspective, and to make horizontal and collective intelligence. It is an important task to institutionalize them so that they can be saved. In this regard, the central government’s central task is to reach the limits of the central government, so administrative fiscal decentralization to the local and civil societies should become a key policy tool.

□ Keywords: decentralization, government capacity, citizen empowermnet, Government Policy Coordination Committee