
The Korea Local Administration Review

Kang, In Sung

Study on the Determinants of Charter School Size using Hierarchical Linear Model : Based on Charter Schools in Florida..

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Study on the Determinants of Charter School Size using Hierarchical Linear Model : Based on Charter Schools in
Considering charter schools’ popularity and growth in United States, therehave been various studies related to charter schools. Scholars have studiedformation and diffusion, student achievement and comparison with traditionalpublics school or private school, and school finance. In methodology, many ofthe previous studies focused on one level analysis rather than multi-levelanalysis, so they mainly figured out one level effect by student and school ineach, or both student and school without considering multi-level effects.Moreover, there has few study in how these charter schools have some amountof enrollment size and what factors have influenced charter school enrollment.Even studies on charter school with multi-level analysis, they have focused onschool achievement and comparison between charter school and traditionalpublic school. Considering that there is few empirical study on charter schoolenrollment size using multi-level analysis, this study attempts to fill theresearch gap by focusing on charter school enrollment size and influencingfactors on the charter school size. In doing so, we consider charter schools andschool district in Florida and analyze multi-level effects employing HierarchicalLinear Model.
□ Keywords: Charter School, Hierarchical Linear Model, School District