
The Korea Local Administration Review

Jang, Young-Ho

The Policy Implications and Characteristics of Regional Disparities and Urban Area Gaps Regional Disparities and Urban..

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The Policy Implications and Characteristics of Regional Disparities and Urban Area Gaps Regional Disparities and
This study was to analyze regional gaps on a different regions of the spatialrange. And we suggest that it can solve regional disparities and urban areagaps over the preferred alternative. The study range is 31 cities in gyeonggiprovince, the indicators were chosen through such previous studies. Analysismethod was utilized for GIS spatial analysis and CHAID algorithm to find outregional disparities and urban area gaps. The results for the regional disparitiescould see gaps in a variety of fields(population, welfare, finance etc) thatappear different levels of local government. Especially, we need to offer arational solution to increase business investment through tax reduction,deregulation in northeast area. Also it could mean a social exclusion andinequality that exists in urban spatial sort of a disparity problem that occurs inregion. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize a separate a regional disparityproblem and to make a differentiated strategy. In result, it would be plan thecustom-strategy of each types to release the regional disparity in stagnationregion, depressed region, decline region. Considering the local reality and afriendly experience of residents should be developed region-based policies.
□ Keywords: regional disparity, urban area gap, deregulation, social exclusion,regional imbalance