
The Korea Local Administration Review

Park, Young-Mi

The Relations between Organizational Character, Leadership and Public Servants’ Job Satisfaction in Local Governments

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The Relations between Organizational Character, Leadership and Public Servants’ Job Satisfaction in Local Governmentsdownload
The purpose of this study is to identify the organizational character using MBTIin local governments, investigate the relations between organizational character,transformational leadership and public servants’ job satisfaction, and to suggestthe implications based on the results of this study. The findings of this study areas follows. First, the type distribution of public servants in the present studydemonstrates clear preferences for extraversion over introversion, for sensingover intuition, for thinking over feeling, and for judging over perceiving. In decisionmaking styles, the prevalent is ST. Second, the decision making styles of localgovernments have significant relations with charismatic traits, idealized leadership,inspirational motivation, and intellectual stimulation of transformational leadership,but not with individual consideration. Third, the decision making styles havesignificant relations with internal job satisfaction, but not with external. Fourth, inorder to enhance the job satisfaction of public servants, charismatic traits andindividual consideration of transformational leadership need to be highlighted in STorganization, intellectual stimulation in NF, and inspirational motivation in NT.These findings can help field leaders and organization managers increase theirunderstanding and effectiveness in local administrative works.
□ Keywords: Organizational Character, Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction,MBTI, Local Government