
The Korea Local Administration Review

Park, Hae-Yug⋅Choi, Jung-Woo

A Research on the Perception of Public Administrative Value of Municipal Workers with No Fixed-Term Contract Compared ..

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A Research on the Perception of Public Administrative Value of Municipal Workers with No Fixed-Term Contract Compared
This paper firstly aims at comparing the perception of administrative value ofmunicipal workers with no fixed-term contract to that of local public officials, soas to analyze whether the administrative value gained by perceiving from both partyreveals some difference in their working attitudes.Based on the results, municipal personnel with no fixed-term contract showedno great difference from local officials in terms of tasks delivery behaviors. However,the former seems in a lower perceptive latitude when it comes to relate to publicofficial’s basic commitments of and public values of ultimate goal pursued by publicadministration. Especially, the perceptive gap of those public values turned out morebigger in technical service workers with no fixed-term contract than local publicofficials with legally stable status when exerting similar duties. This analytic resultsunderline the fact that the stable job placement to the municipal workers with nofixed-term contract does not guarantee internalizing public administration valuesufficiently into them, as is of the case in local public officials.Our research points out that different perceptive gap between two municipalpersonnel might provoke some biased prejudice from the other party toward localpublic workers with no fixed-term contract and, doing this, jeopardize organizationalcommitment of the workers. For concluding, we are firmly proposing that diversestrategies and incentives must be made in order to incorporate public servicecommitments and administrative value into municipal workers with no fixed-termcontract.
□ Keywords: Workers with No Fixed-Term Contract, Administrative Value, LocalPublic Officials