
The Korea Local Administration Review

Kwack, Chang-Shin

Research on the Superintendent Election System in Korea

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Research on the Superintendent Election System in Koreadownload
This study deals with issues on Superintendent election system. Criticalliterature review and comprehensive analysis of the previous opinion pollsregarding the Superintendent election system were made. Additionally, in-depthinterviews were conducted with the 8 former and current Superintendents,Governors, Local Assemblymen, and former candidates in the Superintendentelection.After summarizing the above-mentioned results, and considering thedevelopment level of the local political culture, step by step approach wasproposed.In the short term, the current system will be used with the introduction of‘Full Public Election Management System’ supervised by National ElectionCommission. Amendment of ‘Public Offices Election Law’ which regulates theGovernor election was proposed. In the mid-term, if the above-mentionedproblems are not resolved by Residents direct election system with the ‘FullPublic Election Management System’, we consider the introduction ofRunning-mate system or Co-registration system with Governor candidate. Inthe long term, if the level of local political culture is mature enough, and theissue of financial independence of local government is resolved, the introductionof ‘Election Committee for Selecting Superintendent System’ will beintroduced.(Selecting two candidates by the Committee → Approval by LocalAssembly → Appointment by the Governor).
□ Keywords: Superintendent election system, Residents direct election system.Co-registration system with Governor candidate, Running-matesystem with Governor candidate