
The Korea Local Administration Review

Lee, Kyoung-Jin ・Song, Myung-Gyu

A Study on the Future Direction of Eco-festivals : Based on the Perceptional Gaps between Service Providers and...

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A Study on the Future Direction of Eco-festivals : Based on the Perceptional Gaps between Service Providers
This study aims; first, to investigate the perceptional gaps betweeneco-festival service providers and residents in the aspects of promising effects,managerial means, name value, uniqueness, and developmental vision of thefestival and in the level of participation in and satisfaction from the festival, andsecond, to compare and analyze the gaps through statistical hypothesis tests.The results of the analyses and the tests show; first, the residents’satisfactions from the promising effects and managerial means of the festivalturn out to be lower than the host's satisfactions in the whole, and second, theresidents' appraisals of the name value, uniqueness, developmental vision, andparticipatory level, and their satisfactions from the festival are also proved tobe lower than the host's appraisals and satisfactions in the whole. Thesefindings imply that the residents’ more active participatory and cooperativeattitudes are a matter of great importance to the prosperity of the festival andthat in the part of the host, motivational efforts and persuasive pubic relationsare highly required to induce the residents to assume these attitudes.
□ Keywords: eco-festival, perceptional gap, service provider, resident