
The Korea Local Administration Review

Hur, Mann-Hyung

A Study on Local Governments’ Programs for Vulnerable Population

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A Study on Local Governments’ Programs for Vulnerable Populationdownload
This study was designed to explore local governments’ program availabilityfor vulnerable population based on their ordinance legislation information. Inaddition, this study conducted a simple content analysis whether or not theseprogram included specifications alleviating social exclusion. In this study, socialvulnerable population referred to the handicapped, women, children, the elderly,and other groups including nternational marriage couples, North Koreandefectors, non-regular workers, veterans, homophiles and suffers from AIDSand a Hansen’s bacillus. Veteran’s program was the most frequently chosenprogram. Out of 228 local governments, some 50 percent have adopted theprograms for international marriage couples, but those for North Koreandefectors was around 20 percent. However, none adopted programs forhomophiles and suffers from AIDS and a Hansen’s bacillus. The most variousprograms have been developed for the handicapped, and most of theseprograms were closely related to the alleviation of social exclusion. Some 20percent of local governments adopted a violence prevention program for womenand children, but this program was the only one for them. Cash allowances forthe elderly’s longevity were available in about 25 percent of the localgovernments, however they were not related to the alleviation of theirexclusion.
□ Keyword: vulnerable population social minority population, social exclusion,social inclusion