
The Korea Local Administration Review

Lee, Ki-Wu

The Relation between Provincial Governor and School Superintendent

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The provincial government(Shi・Do) administration in Korea has dual structure.One is the provincial Governor who is general office and another one issuperintendent who is specifically responsible for school affairs. Due to the dualstructure occur a lot of problems like overlapping of jurisdiction, evasion andshift of responsibility, and problems of polarizing in educational issue. Inaddition, conflict can occur when there is lack of consent for the policiesbetween two offices.The first solution is to reform the structure substituting monolithic structurefor dual structure. Specifically, the superintendent becomes assistant organizationfor the provincial governor and let the provincial governor appoint thesuperintendent. It is fundamental remedy for the problems, but there are manyopposites who worry about the reform.The second solution for the problems is to sustain dual structure withsharply divided function and responsibility between the two. Each should befinancially and functionally independent. It would help reducing overlapping infunctions and decreasing superintendent's financial dependence on generaloffice. However, this solution is hard to be actualized. Because administrativecultural atmosphere in Korea is not familiar with it, people won’t easily acceptit. Also, it is not easy to sustain mutual collaboration between two.The last solutions is to maintain dual structure and compensate the systemwith joint-candidacy for provincial governors and superintendent(a kind ofrunning mate) in provincial election. It means there is joint-register in electionso that provincial governor and superintendent can make policy coalition andsustain its collaboration. This is not the best solution, however, consideringharsh opposition, utilizing running mate system is the most adjustable.