
The Korea Local Administration Review

Yun, Woo-Je ・Seo, In-Seok ・Kwon, Gi-Heon

The Relationship of Organizational Justice(OJ) to Organization Citizenship Behavior(OCB) : Focusing on Organizational ..

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The Relationship of Organizational Justice(OJ) to Organization Citizenship Behavior(OCB) : Focusing on Organizational
The purpose of this is study to verify the impact between OrganizationalCitizenship Behavior and Organizational Justice, Organizational culture and trust.In regard of this, this study conducted a survey targeting public sectors toidentify the impact between them.The findings are follow. First, the interaction of distributive justice andprocedural justice has been affected Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Second,hierarchy cultural factors are effects on distributive justice than proceduraljustice as positive effect. In fact, in the public agency where the level ofhierarchy cultural is high, the relation between distributive justice andOrganizational Citizenship Behavior is more tighten up. Lastly, in results ofbetween organizational justice and trust, this research findings were results inconcord with literature review because the trust is effects positively ondistributive justice. As matter of fact, Even if the individual has the low levelof distributive justice, he will show Organizational Citizenship Behavior due tothe trust between organization and him.The implication of the study is follow. First, if the procedural of promotionand assessment is fair, the individual is more likely to show OrganizationalCitizenship regardless of distributive justice. Second, it is necessary to secureprocedural justice in the hierarchy culture of organization. Additionally, Buildingthe trust between the individuals and organization is important because they aretend to accept the result of organizational decision(promotion, allocation andprocess of assessment, etc)