
The Korea Local Administration Review

Lim, Suhng-BinㆍLee, Seung-Jong

Relationship between Local Government Capacity and the Social Capital of Autonomous Districts: A Comparative Analysis on 12 Municipalities in Seoul Metropolitan City

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Most studies on the capacity of local governments have evaluated only intra-organizational capabilities neglecting the dimension of extra-organizational ones, or have suggested ways to strengthen local capabilities without performing a substantial evaluation of the capabilities per se. In an effort to complement these shortcomings, this study analyzed the relationship between local government capacity and social capital in 12 municipalities in the Seoul Metropolitan Government area. The result revealed that the relationship between the level of social capital in autonomous districts and the competence of the municipal governments is insignificant or slim at best. Based on its findings, this study suggests that the level of social capital be enhanced and a partnership between local civil societies and municipalities be institutionalized.