
Basic Report

Hae-Yuk Park

Alternatives to Diversify Institutions of Vice Mayor in Local Governments

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Alternatives to Diversify Institutions of Vice Mayor in Local Governments download

   Since the direct election of mayor of local governments, 1995, there have beenmany institutional development and various studies on local autonomy system haveconducted. Local autonomy has strived to improve transparency and democracy and tostrengthen responsiveness for citizen and local economic revitalization. Local residentshave strongly expressed their demands on mayor after the implementation of directelection. The need for more enhanced mayoral leadership and political role to reflectvarious demands of local residents has increased. Along with the demand for enhancedmayoral roles, the importance of vice mayor has been also increased.However, there are no systematic studies on roles of vice mayor, relationshipwith mayor, status, authority, appointment and so on. Therefore, the purpose of thisstudy examines roles of vice mayor, relationship with mayor, status, authority, andappointment and also this study focuses on the ways to diversification measure ofinstitution of vice mayor in terms of stabilization of local administration anddevelopment of local autonomy system.In order to achieve the purpose of the study, chapter 2 begins with theoreticalbackground for this study and examines historical institutional changes of vice mayor,its legal status, role, and existing research.Chapter 3 analyzes institutions of vice mayor in metropolitan such as New Yorkand Berlin. And the study compares and analyzes types of local governments and theirinstitutions of vice mayor including number, term, role, status, tenure, and actingmayor.Chapter 4 examines and analyzes the characteristics of vice mayor andquestionnaire that conduct a survey of local officials and specialists.Chapter 5 suggests the diversification measure of constitution of localgovernments.Based on the close foreign case study and questionnaire, the study providessuggestions. The ways to diversify are fundamentally focused on the development oflocal autonomy and strengthening roles of local assembly and vice mayor.First of all, the study suggests the introduction of term system relating with vicemayor' term. In terms of the way to appoint, the study suggests that the discussion oninstitutional process such as the consent of local assembly on vice mayoral candidatewho mayor nominates is necessity. Also, current institution which mayors lead andinterfere in appointment of vice mayor is required to improve.In terms of open posts and manpower pool system, current manpower poolsystem limited to officials of higher level local government has to be extended tooverall society.In relation to authority, some of overly centralized authority to mayor has to bedelegated to vice mayor in order to reduce mayors' burden through refinement ofstatute and ordinance. In order to accomplish diversification, a comprehensive reviewand form settings are needed in the long term perspective.Although the discussion on diversification of composition of local governments isbeing expanded, reality is that anything is not be determined on to some extent whichdiversification will admit. Therefore, diversification measure of vice mayor has to bedeeply discussed along with diversification measure of composition of localgovernments. In any event, with local authorities and accelerated decentralization, therole and functions of the local government has a very varied. From this perspective,the introduction and administration of institution that pursue the diversity is necessaryrather than a uniform institution.This study has limitations that do not conduct a survey of vice mayor. From thisreason, the study does not analyze the perception of vice mayors for diversificationmeasure of institution of vice mayor. And also the study does not analyze thedifferences in the reality and given the role of vice mayor. Therefore, more systematicstudy is required on the basis of various approaches and perspectives.